現場で生じる様々なニーズに対応するため、Smart IPマネージャーはデバイスの検出、室内音響の均一化、システム構成、ステータスの監視など、設備用オーディオ・システムの問題解決に特化した一連のソフトウェア・ツールを提供します。作業時間が大幅に節約でき、Smart IP設備スピーカー・システムは音響的に困難な環境であってもクリアで明瞭な卓越した音を保証します。
Smart IP マネージャー

Smart IPマネージャー・ソフトウェアは、システム導入時のセットアップに特化して設計されており、部屋、ゾーン、スピーカー、オーディオ・チャンネルを実質無制限に構成できます。またパブリックAPIコマンド・セットを用いることで、Smart IP設備スピーカーをハウス・オートメーション・システムに統合できます。オペレーターは、音量、電源のオン/オフ、スピーカー・アクティビティ、プリセットしたオーディオ設定の選択などのシンプルなパラメーターを制御できます。

音響的に難しい環境に対処するため、Smart IPマネージャーはスピーカーの内部DSPに統合し、室内音響の分析と補正EQ処理、遅延とレベル調整の制御を行います。設定はスピーカー内蔵メモリから即座に呼び出すことができ、あらゆる環境で迅速かつ的確な運用が可能です。
Smart IPマネージャーの特徴
- システムの規模や複雑さに関係なく、複数のSmart IP設備スピーカー・システムを管理および制御します。
- あらゆるタイプのステレオ、マルチ・ステレオ、マルチチャンネル、3Dイマーシブ・オーディオ・フォーマットに適したシステムを簡単かつ素早く作成します。
- 部屋、ゾーン、スピーカー、オーディオ・チャンネルをほぼ無制限に設定および制御します。
- 各スピーカーの周波数応答、レベル、遅延を制御し、完璧に最適化された音響パフォーマンスを提供します。
- 自動でデバイス検出。
- 様々なアプリケーションに合わせた設定(プロファイル)を保存します。必要に応じてすぐにそれらを呼び出します。
- 各スピーカーの内部メモリに設定を保存し、パブリックAPIコマンド・セットを使用して呼び出します。
- カスタマイズした応答カーブを呼び出します。アナログまたはAoIP入力を選択します。
- 再現性と堅牢なパフォーマンスによるアドバンテージをご体験ください。クリアで明瞭なオーディオ・クオリティをあらゆる設置環境で実現します。
From its much-loved Clash of Clans to the family favourite Hay Day and more recent releases such as Boom Beach and Brawl Stars, Supercell has become one of the most successful and profitable mobile gaming companies in the world. Now, Supercell have finally moved into their first custom-built offices in Helsinki – an impressive building named Wood City that has been designed from the ground up to represent the company culture and to encourage wellbeing and productivity. Nearly 500 Genelec loudspeakers have been integrated across the building, including some 300 Smart IP networked models.
Markus Haikonen is Head of AV and Broadcast at Supercell. “When we started to build the company’s new home, we needed to reimagine the spaces where we work,” he says. “We needed rock-solid AV project management, which is what Akukon did for us. We also needed a lot of help with the design, which Akukon and Audico did together.” Akukon are the number one acoustics and AV design experts in Finland. Akukon collaborated with AV solutions experts, Audico Systems Oy, who handled the systems design and integration.
We wanted the reliability and flexibility offered by the Smart IP concept.
“In designing these spaces – especially the team spaces and the meeting rooms – it was essential that they are easy to use, easy to monitor, and fit our needs. It also goes without saying that quality is really important to us,” continues Haikonen. “From an audio point of view, Genelec was an ideal choice, especially the new Smart IP loudspeakers. We’ve always been great fans of Genelec and use their loudspeakers throughout our offices globally, so it was a natural choice for this project as well. When we heard about Smart IP with its built-in DSP, we immediately saw that it would be a great fit for our team space and meeting room designs where there is no centralised DSP. We also wanted the reliability and flexibility offered by the Smart IP concept.”
Terhi Salo, technical specialist at Audico takes up the story: “Of the 500 Genelec loudspeakers installed all around the building, a little over 300 of them are 4430 Smart IP loudspeakers, while the rest are other Genelec active loudspeakers that have been repurposed from Supercell’s previous offices.
“Smart IP loudspeakers are ideally suited to large, complex installations like this because all you need to plug into the loudspeaker is one Ethernet cable,” Salo continues. “With that cable you get power, audio and the ability to control the loudspeaker and its DSP. Having them networked has been a huge help in configuring the system, especially during the commissioning phase when it was super-handy to be able to access the loudspeakers’ DSP remotely. For example, during the testing period, if anyone reported a problem in a certain area, I usually already knew what the problem was before my colleague on site got in the room!
Genelec was up to the task and helped us deliver a system ‘par excellence’.
“Regarding room setup and configuration, we have a variety of different spaces which required different approaches,” explains Salo. “For the Team spaces and the medium-sized Zoom rooms where the audio system is straightforward with just two Genelec loudspeakers, we used the speakers’ in-built DSP for EQ and volume control. In the larger rooms with more gear, we used Smart IP Manager to update the firmware of the loudspeakers, while everything audio-related is handled by the Q-SYS processor from QSC and then sent to the loudspeakers. The IP addresses were set up with a custom script created by my colleague, and the speakers were named in Dante Controller. Finally, now that the system is up and running, monitoring is carried out via the Genelec API using a custom Audico software.”
In the two largest meeting rooms, Genelec’s ‘The Ones’ coaxial three-way loudspeakers have been deployed as the main system, with 4430 Smart IP loudspeakers utilised for Voice Lift and as a delay system for the main speakers. A Voice Lift system uses a combination of strategically placed microphones and loudspeakers to subtly amplify speech, so that a person speaking on one side of a large room can be heard at the same level at the opposite side of the room – even if they're 30 metres away. Genelec systems also grace the main lobby, the gym, the cafeteria, and the staff entertainment facility. Many of the loudspeakers were subsequently painted in custom colours to blend seamlessly with the fantastic Supercell décor.
“I hope that in my lifetime I’ll get to work on another project of this quality, but I’m not sure it’ll happen!” declares Akukon’s Tapio Ilomäki. “It’s been a privilege to see it all come together. Everybody involved, starting of course with the Supercell team themselves, to the building contractor and especially the systems integrator, Audico, completely understood that whilst technical excellence is both required and expected, that’s not everything — it has to work visually as well. The aesthetic of the Supercell environment is paramount to their way of working and it was up to us to adapt to that. Genelec, as ever, was up to the task and helped us deliver a system ‘par excellence’.”
“It’s been a great project and we’ve been lucky to work with some amazing partners,” concludes Haikonen. It’s also been a long journey from when Genelec gave us a privileged first view of the Smart IP prototype, and then as soon as the first units were available, we started testing our design concept in our previous offices, right up to implementing it on a massive scale in our new building. It was a challenge for everyone involved but the results speak for themselves. We can all be proud of what we’ve achieved.”
The company has recently made their own transition to magnificent new headquarters in Helsinki, designed according to sustainable practices with the aim of achieving optimum efficiency and wellbeing. AV solutions experts 4Business Oy were called in to design and implement all the AV technologies for the new premises, which included a Smart IP audio solution from Genelec.
One of the biggest issues to be addressed from an audio point of view was auditory comfort in Ilmatar’s open workspaces - an integral part of any modern, activity-based office today. However, one of the inherent problems of any open plan workspace is a lack of privacy and disruptive noise coming from elsewhere in the environment. Ilmatar was determined to create the most comfortable and efficient working environment possible in their open plan areas, and so paid great attention to sound behaviour in these spaces.
“The lobby and open work areas, as well as the meeting rooms and offices, are all exceptionally well designed from an acoustic point of view, with excellent reverberation times,” notes Janne Lankinen of 4Business. “There are also absorbing screens between the desks, and the background noise caused by ventilation has been minimized. Nevertheless, while these measures help considerably, they cannot resolve the issue completely. To achieve optimum results, we designed and implemented a custom sound masking system – starting with a high quality audio solution - specifically tailored to Ilmatar’s requirements.”
It met all of the client’s criteria for quality, as well as being the most sustainable audio solution.
Based on detailed coverage simulations, 4Business implemented a comprehensive Genelec audio system; a total of twenty 4420 Smart IP speakers were distributed across two separate open plan spaces. “We selected Genelec’s Smart IP solution as it met all of the client’s criteria for quality – both sonically and materially – as well as being the most sustainable audio solution available,” explains Lankinen. The Smart IP technology platform delivers power, audio and control over a single CAT cable across a digital audio network – in this case, Dante – making them exceptionally easy to install and ensuring that the systems are fully scalable.
“The site-wide loudspeaker system was individually measured with room acoustics analysis software and adjusted using Genelec’s Smart IP Manager software to ensure the most transparent audio reproduction possible,” continues Lankinen. “Technical criteria aside, the fact that Genelec is a native Finnish brand and manufactured in Finland according to sustainable principles was also extremely important for Ilmatar.”
Implementation of the masking signal itself fell to Pyry Survo, sound designer and composer for WSP, global infrastructure experts. Survo designed the signal to be as pleasant and even as possible – an ambient background sound that mimics airflow and is specifically engineered to match the frequencies of human speech and to sound comfortable. The sound is audible but not intrusive and serves to reduce speech intelligibility in the surrounding environment. Nearby conversations or telephone calls are no longer a distraction, ensuring comfort and privacy for all concerned.
“A high quality sound system and careful spatial measurement of the audio signal avoided the ‘whoosh effect’, which is a problem with low quality speakers and the wrong type of audio signal,” explains Lankinen. “The masking system generates a multichannel audio signal to avoid the sound distortion caused by differences in speaker distance that typically occurs with mono sound masking systems.”
In addition to the sound masking, Ilmatar had another objective; to create a unique atmosphere that reflects the company ethos of working with nature in order to preserve it. A generative soundscape emulating a natural marine environment with sounds of the sea, seagulls, and of course, the wind – was created for the entrance lobby and implemented using a WSP multichannel soundscape player and eight Genelec 4430 Smart IP active loudspeakers. Virtual nature is created with algorithms that mimic the mechanisms and the timelines of the natural world so that the soundscape remains as authentic as possible and avoids playlist-like repetition. A soothing four-channel forest soundscape was also created for the café area which is equipped with four Genelec 4430s in white.
We are delighted with the outcome and believe that we have one of the most comfortable offices in Finland.
Mikko Toivanen, VP and co-founder of Ilmatar Windpower Oy is delighted with the results: “Our goal was to create the best office in Finland for our staff; making full use of new innovative technologies in terms of comfort and usability was a major goal. This was achieved by 4Business thanks to their consultative sales methods and technical expertise, ensuring an excellent end result. We are very pleased with the outcome and believe that we have one of the most comfortable offices in Finland.”
Based in Stockholm’s vibrant Bibliotekstan district, Cecil Coworking is a stunning example of the new concept which sells service packages rather than renting office space. The accent throughout is on design to promote efficiency and wellbeing in an elegant yet inviting environment. Genelec Smart IP technology provides a fitting audio solution for this new, smart working environment.
The solution to remain cost-effective, easily serviceable, easy to install, and sustainable.
The audio system, along with the rest of the AV systems throughout the 3,200 square-metre space, was designed, supplied and installed by corporate AV systems integration specialists, Scan AV Kommunikation AB. “The aim was to provide a complete background music solution that offered high quality sound over the entire two floors of the Cecil Coworking location,” describes Magnus Westin, AV systems design engineer at Scan AV. “The solution had to be widely scalable and fitting for the premium environment; that meant impeccable sound quality and pleasing aesthetics with minimum visual impact. However, the solution still needed to remain cost-effective, easily serviceable, easy to install, and sustainable. That’s a lot of boxes to tick, but Genelec’s Smart IP loudspeaker solution was the obvious answer.”
Smart IP is a recent development from Genelec that delivers audio, power and control over a single network cable. This hugely facilitates installation whilst maintaining Genelec’s signature sound quality. “Delivering the solution over a planned network proved to be the most cost-effective solution, enabling us to plan installation and loudspeaker placement down to the last detail,” explains Westin. “Smart IP technology is an absolute godsend for projects like this – having audio, power and control delivered over a single cable eliminates the need for additional power outlets near the speakers and avoids having to install proprietary speaker cables that might interfere with other installations. This keeps everyone’s blood pressure at manageable levels and enables us to deliver an accurately costed project with a very competitive cost per unit.”
It was a challenge finding suitable locations for the loudspeakers that met the requirements of the architects without impinging on the overall audio experience. Scan AV had to be quite creative with speaker placement, but careful positioning, judicious use of mounting accessories and almost invisible cabling has resulted in a sleek installation that matches and even contributes to the high quality look and feel of the rest of the project’s fabulous architecture, floor-planning and exquisite design elements.
“We’ve placed the speakers on shelves, tables, in ceiling recesses as well as more traditional wall placements,” continues Westin. “We used a variety of mounting options from Genelec including some sleek colour-matched table stands that were used on top of window sills plus some custom ceiling mounts. The aim was to create an immersive sound experience in all zones whilst maintaining harmonious aesthetics. The ability to have the same product throughout, with the only variations being placement and mounting accessories, was a complete win for this project. It looks amazing and we used Genelec Smart IP Manager software to calibrate each loudspeaker individually for optimum sound quality throughout.”
Smart IP speakers truly display awesome strength when used with high demands on sound quality.
Scan AV installed a total of 36 Smart IP loudspeakers as part of a distributed system split into twelve zones over two floors, all connected with fibre-stacked network switches acting as a single, giant switch. There are 34 compact 4420loudspeakers spread evenly across the entire office area and all open spaces, and two slightly more powerful 4430s in the bar area. All control is through a customcoded AMX system with touch panels for easy control of zones, volume, content, presets, and time/calendar based events. The system also allows for total control from a remote location, keeping costly and intrusive on-site visits down to a minimum. A total of five selectable stereo sources can be distributed to all 36 individual speakers or assigned to the twelve pre-defined zones.
“Genelec’s Smart IP speakers truly display their awesome strength when used in these types of projects with high demands on sound quality, even when perhaps changing a project’s environment or design completely for a particular area,” concludes Westin. “It’s immensely flexible and allows us to adapt to changing requirements as we go along. Cecil Coworking is a wonderful space and a fantastic example of how design and technology work together for the greater good. My only wish is that in the near future we will see even more Smart IP loudspeaker models, so we can include them in even more applications!”
Vasakronan is Sweden’s largest commercial property company with a portfolio comprising 170 properties with a total area of 2.3M sq. metres. Arena Sergel in the heart of Stockholm is the company’s most recent project and combines the Vasakronan HQ with one of Sweden’s most modern and innovative co-working locations. To ensure wellbeing at every level, Efterklang – experts in sound design, acoustics and vibration control – were called in to design an efficient and attractive sound environment, which was implemented thanks to a comprehensive Genelec Smart IP solution supported by 4000 Series installation loudspeakers.
Sustainability was one of the leading design thrusts at Arena Sergel; great care has been taken to highlight the building’s history in the interior design concept, where the focus has been on recycling existing interiors as well as upcycling through climate-smart purchases from sustainable production sources. Offering no less than 150 flex workplaces and over thirty conference and meeting rooms plus numerous lounge areas, the impressive four-storey building is also home to Vasakronan’s brand new HQ. Vasakronan’s aim was to streamline their own operation by eliminating their satellite offices and relocating to Arena Sergel which offered more space for the main HQ in a sustainable environment, plus a range of flexible expansion possibilities when required in the adjoining co-working spaces.
This type of flexibility is not possible with standard 100/70v speaker systems.
Wellbeing is another key design element, which is why Vasakronan called on Efterklang to design a sound environment that would support the different needs, functions and flows in Arena Sergel. Efterklang’s Margareta Andersson explains: “The key is a well-balanced interplay between acoustic measures and psychoacoustically anchored sound design. Psychoacoustics is the study of the relationship between sounds and how sound affects us. For example, in the entrance lobby, all visitors are greeted by soothing lounge music combined with elegant scent design. The aim is to create an inviting environment where visitors and co-workers can relax and feel safe.
“Visual themes have also been enhanced with sound design – the sound design in the internal stairwell, which is festooned with greenery, evokes a forest environment with birdsong. Also, the open fireplace effects have been elevated with the sound of fires crackling and the scent of woodsmoke,” she continues. “In fact, there is sound almost everywhere you go, from background music in the social areas to a gradient soundscape in the working areas – which goes from completely silent focus spaces to nature-inspired sound masking in the open flex areas. We have even designed soundscapes for the restrooms for extra wellbeing and privacy.”
Enabling Efterklang’s beautiful sound design is a comprehensive network of Genelec Smart IP loudspeakers supported by 4000 Series installation loudspeakers. Efterklang worked with AV integration specialists JML-System AB to define the best components to achieve the right results. Anthony Berry, VC and Collaboration specialist at JML, explained that it was a joint decision to specify Smart IP loudspeakers.
“The system covers four levels with over 20 individual zones,” notes Berry. “We used the compact Genelec 4420s in all the main zones – 114 in total – except for two event zones in which we used the larger 4430s, since those areas required more power and the extended frequency range provided by 4430s. We opted for Smart IP loudspeakers for a number of reasons; firstly, they are active speakers which means that there is no need for amplifiers – this is a huge advantage when you’re dealing with high numbers of loudspeakers, as we were for this installation. Secondly, they are powered over Ethernet meaning there were no long speaker cable runs required and there was also no need to have separate power outlets to each speaker. This simplifies installation enormously. Furthermore, as the Smart IP loudspeakers use the Dante protocol and benefit from control via Genelec’s Smart IP Manager software (delivered over the same cable incidentally), we were able to adjust and tune each individual speaker to create uniform coverage throughout the office. We were also able to configure which speakers were located in each zone, or create new zones as needed. This type of flexibility is not possible with standard 100/70v speaker systems but it’s enormously helpful when configuring large systems.”
Genelec’s Smart IP technology proved to be the ideal solution for all sorts of reasons, both aesthetic and technical.
Berry also commented on the challenges and the benefits of a networked audio system such as this: “As with any network-based system it is of course critical that both JML and Vasakronan’s IT provider were on the same page,” he remarked. “There was a significant amount of coordination required to ensure that we had the requisite network ports in the right locations, that the network supported the PoE requirements of the Smart IP loudspeakers, and that all required network configuration was carried out and tested prior to commissioning. In this particular network there is a separate VLAN for all Dante devices and the IT team used dynamic port allocation based on the MAC address profiles of the Genelec loudspeakers. This meant that we could connect any speaker to any network switch port in the building and it would land in the right VLAN, which saved a huge amount of time in the commissioning phase.”
All parties are delighted with the results. “This was a fascinating project, and many parties contributed to its success,” says Berry. “Efterklang provided a great sound design with amazing custom content that is both calming and energising; JML backed this design with efficient coordination and well-planned implementation which has brought Efterklang’s design to life – but perhaps most important was Vasakronan’s willingness and desire to implement such a sophisticated design throughout their office spaces. There’s no doubt that Arena Sergel is one of the most innovative and forward-thinking working environments in Sweden.”
Efterklang’s Margareta Andersson agrees. “We’re very proud of this project, and Genelec’s Smart IP technology proved to be the ideal solution for all sorts of reasons, both aesthetic and technical. As Genelec themselves say, ‘beauty and simplicity on both sides of the wall’ – and they’re absolutely right!”
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